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Yucon Framework API Page

This is the API for Yucon Framework. Below are sorted method and functions descriptions for Yucon instances.

There are certain terms you need to keep in mind while reading the API!

A Yucon “instance” is a script, class, or plugin. All instances share the Yucon functionality.

Whenever script is referenced in code examples, it is referring to the Yucon instance. The same description applies for the term plugin. The word self would be what you actually type in a Yucon instance to refer to the framework functionality.


A perfectly common example would be wanting to use ProfileService, a plugin that handles data saving for the player. However, we need to know how to actually know where it is. We can use self to refer to Yucon Framework, and from there, call GetPlugin() to get ProfileService.

local ProfileService = self:GetPlugin("ProfileService") -- Stores the plugin as a variable
--// Do what you want with it from this point on

Remember: self in the code directly refers to Yucon Framework API!

You can not use self outside of methods. For example, you can use self inside of the Preload method, but not in the beginning of a script.

[Plugin] self:GetPlugin(String PluginName)

Returns a plugin instance with the given plugin name. It will look for plugins only in the same server/client parent (client to client, server to server), or for a shared parent. This can only return a plugin, NOT a script or plugin.

The below example waits 5 seconds using the thread handler plugin, and then prints text.

function MyServerScript:Start()
	local ProfileService = self:GetPlugin("ProfileService") -- Store profile service as a variable
	ProfileService.GetProfileStore("Index", {}) -- We can then use profile service :)

[any] self:NewInstance(String className, ...)

This method will do the following in order:

To better explain this, consider the below code, found in a class named “Ball:”

local Ball = {}
Ball.__index = Ball

--// Constructor

function Ball.New(Name, Radius)
	local self = {}
	self.Name = Name
	self.Radius = Radius
	return setmetatable(self, Ball)

--// Methods

function Ball:PrintVolume()
	local Volume = 4/3 * math.pi * self.Radius ^ 3
	print("The ball named" .. self.Name .. "has a volume of " .. Volume .. " units cubed.")

return Ball

Now, let’s consider some more code, which is located in a script.

function MyScript:Start()
	local MyBall = self:NewInstance("Ball", "MySpecialBall", 3)

This code will print: “The ball named MySpecialBall has a volume of 113.097336 units cubed.”

[Class] self:GetClass(String ClassName)

Returns a class instance with the given class name. Unlike self:NewInstance, this does NOT return an object of a class, but rather, it returns the class itself.

This may be used to access class-wide methods not available to a class object.

[void] self:ListenToFramework(String eventName, Function bindedFunction)

This is a replication of the BindableEvent object for Roblox. In other words, this acts a remote between scripts of the same parent. For example, firing this on the client will also cause the client to hear it, but the server will not hear it.

self:ListenToFramework("ShowUI", function(UiName, ...)
	PlayerGuiList[UiName].Visible = true

[void] self:DisconnectFromFramework(String eventName)

To connect to the framework event, you use ListenToFramework. As such, you can stop listening by using the counter: self:DisconnectFromFramework()

[Instance] self:GetSharedAsset(String assetName, Boolean? recurseSearch)

Gets an instance stored in the ASSETS folder in ReplicatedStorage, or nil if it does not exist.

If recurseSearch is set to true, then the search will continue until the instance is not nil.

[void] self:FireScripts(String eventName, ...)

This provokes any connections that have binded to the framework event of the specified name.

The below code fires the code example from self:ListenToFramework():

self:FireScripts("ShowUI", "MainGui")

[void] self:Warn(...)

A more descriptive version of Luau’s built in warn method.

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:ListenToClientEvent(String Name, function DedicatedFunction)

Listens to a remote event from the server, given the name of the remote event and the function that is used on call.

In the below example, we assume this function is in a server script that listens to an event.

function MyScript:Start()
  self:ListenToClientEvent("MoneyRemote", function(Player, MoneyAmount, ...) -- When called, gives money. Won't work with this code alone.
    print("Player that fired the remote: " .. Player.Name)
    print("Money requested: " .. MoneyAmount)
    --// Whatever else to add money

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:ListenToClientFunction(String Name, function DedicatedFunction)

Listens to a remote function from the server, given the name of the remote function and the function that is used on call.

In the below example, we assume this function is in a server script that listens to an function.

function MyScript:Start()
  self:ListenToClientFunction("MoneyRemote", function(Player, MoneyAmount, ...) -- When called, gives money. Won't work with this code alone.
    print("Player that fired the remote: " .. Player.Name)
    print("Money requested: " .. MoneyAmount)
    --// Whatever else to add money

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:DisconnectClientEvent(String name)

If you used self:ListenToClientEvent, use this method to disconnect a remote event of the same name.

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:DisconnectClientFunction(String name)

If you used self:ListenToClientFunction, use this method to disconnect a remote function of the same name.

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:FireClient(Instance player, String name, ...)

Sends information from the server to a single specified client, given the remote name and any additional arguments the developer may add.

The below example sends the number 5, and the word banana to a client, via a remote named howmanyfruit:

function MyServerScript:Start()
	local Player = Players:WaitForChild("iGottic")
	self:FireClient(Player, "FruitGivingRemote", 5, "Bananas")

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:FireAllClients(String name, ...)

Sends information from the server to all clienst, given the remote name and any additional arguments the developer may add. This works almost exactly like self:FireClient, but instead of passing data to one player, it passes it to all players.

[Tuple] {SERVER-ONLY} self:InvokeClient(Instance player, String name, ...)

Sends information from the server to a single specified client, given the remote name and any additional arguments the developer may add, and may recieve information in return. This is like self:FireClient, except this can have information returned.

This method is not recommended.

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:InvokeAllClients(String name, ...)

This method is not documented as it does not serve any special purpose. Use FireAllClients instead.

[void] {SERVER-ONLY} self:ListenToServerClose(Function bindedFunction)

When the server closes (such as when all players leave, when it shuts down, migrates an update, etc.), the function bindedFunction will be called.

	print("Oh no, the server is closing!")

[Instance] {SERVER-ONLY} self:GetAsset(String assetName, Boolean? recurseSearch)

Gets an instance stored in the ASSETS folder in ServerStorage, or nil if it does not exist.

If recurseSearch is set to true, then the search will continue until the instance is not nil.

[void] {CLIENT-ONLY} self:ListenToServerEvent(String Name, Function function)

This listens to a remote event, and any data sent from the server to the specified remote will pass to the specified function.

Both self:FireClient and self:FireAllClients, which are triggered from the server, can invoke the function passed into this method.

For example, let’s say we have a round system on the server, which fires a remote named “Timer,” and this is telling all of the clients how much time is left in a game. On the server, it will use a line of code such as self:FireAllClients("Timer", TimeLeft) to send this data. On the client, we have:

self:ListenToServerEvent("Timer", function(TimeLeft)
	print("Timer ticked! Time left: " .. TimeLeft)
	--// Do whatever here

[void] {CLIENT-ONLY} self:ListenToServerFunction(String name, Function function)

This listens to a remote function, and any data sent from the server to the specified remote will pass to the specified function.

This works similarly to self:ListenToServerEvent

This is not documented, as it is not recommended the developer uses this.

[void] {CLIENT-ONLY} self:DisconnectServerEvent(String name)

If you used self:ListenToServerEvent, use this method to disconnect a remote event of the same name.

[void] {CLIENT-ONLY} self:DisconnectServerFunction(String name)

If you used self:ListenToServerFunction, use this method to disconnect a remote function of the same name.

[void] {CLIENT-ONLY} self:FireServer(String name, ...)

Sends information from the client to the server, given the remote name and any additional arguments the developer may add.

The below example sends the phrase “your mom” to the server, through the remote named “meme channel”.

function MyClientScript:Start()
	local WeaponName = "PaintballGun"
	self:FireServer("GiveWeaponRemote", WeaponName)

[Tuple] {CLIENT-ONLY} self:InvokeServer(String name, ...)

Sends information from the client to the server, given the remote name and any additional arguments the developer may add, and may recieve information in return from the server.

This is like self:FireServer, except this can have information returned.

[void] self:GetGui(String GuiName, Boolean? recurseSearcj, number?)

Retrieve a ScreenGui under PlayerGui, by it’s name, with the options to yeild, until a Gui has loaded.